Monday, October 6

Supreme Court Denies Gay Marriage Appeal

An apostle spoke yesterday in conference and said that sometimes laws are passed that go against the will of God. That we, as members of the Church, should continue to show kindness even when we deeply disagree with the things our country does.

I wonder if he knew about the SCOTUS reply that was issued today. 

It's possible.

Today the US Supreme Court denied the appeal of Utah and other states that wanted the right to define marriage in their individual state constitution. That ruling effectively strikes down the constitutions in those states... as well as a number of others. Any state under the jurisdiction of each appellate court is now only a bit of red tape away from being required to issue marriage licenses to individuals of the same sex.

Which means that "marriage" is no longer a term I really want to use anymore. It's still an awesome term in my mind - since marriage is ordained of God and is between a man and a woman. Political shifts and legal issues don't change the truth that God teaches. But now every time I say the word "marriage," there's a chance that people will misunderstand exactly what I'm talking about. So I guess "temple sealings" and maybe "future/potential temple sealings" would work?


Did I really choose to live right now? When I find myself embroiled in the midst of an issue threatening to rip the world apart?

I'm against any sexual relations outside marriage between a man and a woman - that's the law of chastity. God can see from His perspective the choices that lead to happiness. Same-gender / gay marriage does not lead to eternal happiness, and so He encourages me to make other choices. I'm grateful for a church that sticks to the truth even when pressured by society... and even though the pressure of society is going to rise. Yeah, I know that many gay marriage supporters claimed that it was simply about equality, but the reality is that most people don't care about equality. They care about acceptance. And there is no way to legislate acceptance.

The Church tries to help people feel loved regardless of their choices. That said, there's still a striking difference between the blessings available to a faithful, celibate gay Mormon and those available to one who got married this morning to a gay partner. The faithful, celibate Mormon can attend (even work) at the temple, hold callings, pay tithing, exercise the priesthood, serve a mission - everything the Church offers. The person who got married this morning can't be a member of the Church, can't pay tithing, can't serve a mission or attend the temple. He can still receive blessings from someone with the priesthood, participate in activities, service, and family history, attend Church and auxiliary meetings, but nothing beyond that. Ever.

The Church doesn't close its doors on anyone. Everyone is invited to come and be as much, or as little, a part of the gospel as they desire. While I'm saddened that the Supreme Court denied the right for states to define marriage, I hope that people who have fought so hard for this issue can finally see that we care about them. I hope the turmoil of the war can cease, and that people can become converted to the gospel. Legislation was never going to change people's hearts; hopefully, now that the legislation is over, people can open their hearts and learn the truth of God's love and His commandments.

It's going to be a rough journey.